Defend Wakulla Springs

Defend Wakulla Springs

UPDATE Aug 8 2023: Over 2,000 of you sent in emails, and 400 people showed up to the meeting. 

"The largest turnout for a Wakulla County Commission meeting anyone can remember coupled with excessive heat produced a stunning victory Monday night for a coalition of spring defenders.  

They were able to delay and possibly derail plans by the Southwest Georgia Oil Company to construct a mega-gas station four miles from the famed Wakulla Springs.

The announcement that the commission was pushing the pause button on an amendment to the comprehensive plan and a request to change the zoning of a parcel came after less than 30 minutes of public testimony in opposition to the proposal."  - James Call, "Sweltering standoff with Wakulla Commission over gas station leads to hope for springs" Tallahassee Democrat Aug 8, 2023

The Wakulla County Commission has a choice between the health of their entire community or the wealth of a single corporation. If you love Wakulla Springs, or your fellow springs advocates around Florida, we need your help.

Southwest Georgia Oil Company applied for a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning change that would allow the construction of a mega-gas station above the Chip’s Hole cave system that leads directly to Wakulla Springs. A major leak or catastrophic failure would destroy Wakulla Springs & River, decimate the local economy, and contaminate the drinking water. Even routine leaks and spills could damage the delicate system. Despite these facts, the Wakulla County Commission is poised to move ahead with this short-sighted and reckless plan.

This is Southwest Georgia Oil’s second attempt to get a comprehensive plan amendment on the property. The first attempt was stopped by County Commissioner Chuck Hess and local advocates who demanded the County ensure that strong safeguards were in place to protect Wakulla Springs and drinking water. When the County failed to pass the promised protections, local advocates took it upon themselves to draft a Citizens’ Springs Protection Ordinance and present it to the County Commission. The Commissioners callously refused to even allow debate on the Citizen’s Ordinance, enraging those in attendance.

Less than one month later, with no new protections in place, Southwest Georgia Oil is back with a new comprehensive plan amendment. It is up to the Wakulla County Commission to reject this bad plan until a strong springs protection ordinance is adopted and implemented.

Email the Wakulla County Commission today to defend Wakulla Springs! 

UPDATE Aug 8 2023: Over 2,000 of you sent in emails, and 400 people showed up to the meeting. 

"The largest turnout for a Wakulla County Commission meeting anyone can remember coupled with excessive heat produced a stunning victory Monday night for a coalition of spring defenders.  

They were able to delay and possibly derail plans by the Southwest Georgia Oil Company to construct a mega-gas station four miles from the famed Wakulla Springs.

The announcement that the commission was pushing the pause button on an amendment to the comprehensive plan and a request to change the zoning of a parcel came after less than 30 minutes of public testimony in opposition to the proposal."  - James Call, "Sweltering standoff with Wakulla Commission over gas station leads to hope for springs" Tallahassee Democrat Aug 8, 2023

The Wakulla County Commission has a choice between the health of their entire community or the wealth of a single corporation. If you love Wakulla Springs, or your fellow springs advocates around Florida, we need your help.

Southwest Georgia Oil Company applied for a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning change that would allow the construction of a mega-gas station above the Chip’s Hole cave system that leads directly to Wakulla Springs. A major leak or catastrophic failure would destroy Wakulla Springs & River, decimate the local economy, and contaminate the drinking water. Even routine leaks and spills could damage the delicate system. Despite these facts, the Wakulla County Commission is poised to move ahead with this short-sighted and reckless plan.

This is Southwest Georgia Oil’s second attempt to get a comprehensive plan amendment on the property. The first attempt was stopped by County Commissioner Chuck Hess and local advocates who demanded the County ensure that strong safeguards were in place to protect Wakulla Springs and drinking water. When the County failed to pass the promised protections, local advocates took it upon themselves to draft a Citizens’ Springs Protection Ordinance and present it to the County Commission. The Commissioners callously refused to even allow debate on the Citizen’s Ordinance, enraging those in attendance.

Less than one month later, with no new protections in place, Southwest Georgia Oil is back with a new comprehensive plan amendment. It is up to the Wakulla County Commission to reject this bad plan until a strong springs protection ordinance is adopted and implemented.

Email the Wakulla County Commission today to defend Wakulla Springs! 

Stop the Gas Station in Wakulla County

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