The Florida Springs Council was built to level the playing field and win victories for Florida’s springs. Achieving this mission takes many forms, but the basis of our success over the past five years is our ability to fund, manage, and win legal challenges to enforce state environmental laws. Our effectiveness in the courthouse not only impacts the cases we have fought, but the many times the credible threat of litigation has convinced state agencies to change their actions.
This bill would essentially eliminate acces to the legal process to protect the environment. It would saddle the losing party in a case against DEP or a water management district with all legal fees of the prevailing party, so bringing a case to court would be too risky for the average person or nonprofit.
Fill in your own subject line. Suggestions include "Vote no on 738", "Say no to Environmental (mis)management", "Protect my right to access the courts", or "NO on SB 738 to protect Floridians and Florida’s Environment"
The Florida Springs Council was built to level the playing field and win victories for Florida’s springs. Achieving this mission takes many forms, but the basis of our success over the past five years is our ability to fund, manage, and win legal challenges to enforce state environmental laws. Our effectiveness in the courthouse not only impacts the cases we have fought, but the many times the credible threat of litigation has convinced state agencies to change their actions.
This bill would essentially eliminate acces to the legal process to protect the environment. It would saddle the losing party in a case against DEP or a water management district with all legal fees of the prevailing party, so bringing a case to court would be too risky for the average person or nonprofit.
Fill in your own subject line. Suggestions include "Vote no on 738", "Say no to Environmental (mis)management", "Protect my right to access the courts", or "NO on SB 738 to protect Floridians and Florida’s Environment"